Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm a slacker

So I have been a major slacker lately! Lots has been going on but not much time to blog. But I will try harder. I will try to post pictures later. The boys are getting so big and Lucas has been in swimming lessons and soccer. In a couple of weeks he will be starting baseball and he loves it. Keeps him busy. But of course his favorite thing is swimming lessons. He is a little fish. He is very advanced for his age and swimming level. So pretty soon we will have a little swimmer. Also I am a new aunt. My brother had a beautiful baby girl in January. I am excited because in May I get to go see her and stay and visit with my favorite brother and sister-in-law! Toby has had several health problems but things are getting a lot better. And for me I am looking in going back to school soon. Scary but exciting. We will see where that goes! Also back in January me and Toby were able to go to Hawaii for our 4th anniversary! It was so amazing. We also got to take yet another trip down to Rockport and it was amazing. I guess there are perks to living in Texas. Other than that we are enjoying life right now.

1 comment:

The Hatch Family said...

Sounds like fun! Jonathan graduates next summer, and our goal is to end up in Austin, TX. Is that close to where you live?