Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lucas is 4!

So Lucas is now 4. Wow how time flies when you have kids. He thinks he is so grown up now that he is 4. He will be starting Pre-K this fall and is so excited that he is going to be going to his big boy school. Yet I think that I am the most excited about Pre-K. Since Lucas' & Kyle's birthday are so close together we had a combined birthday party for them. It was a Batman (for Lucas) and Superman (for Kyle) Superhero party. It was a blast and they had a great time. I am so lucky to be the mom of such a beautiful and smart little boy! Happy 4th Birthday Lucas!

Lucas opening his presents on his birthday

Lucas showing he is the big 4!

Very excited about his Batman Monster Truck

Lightning McQueen computer

Batman Scooter! Thinks he is a big boy now!

Birthday Present from Papaw! Money yeah!

Birthday Present for Mamaw!

Birthday Present from Uncle Brian and Aunt Sammy!

Birthday Present from Papa & Grandma CASH!

Blowing out his candles!

Yeah I am 4!

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