Kyle and Lucas in their big boy recliners! They love to watch movies together.
Kyle and one of his best buddies Justin.
Kyle loves trying to help mom unload the dishwasher.
Kyle's has such big beautiful blue eyes.
He should be my little model baby!
I love my Kyle's smile!
Isn't he adorable!
So Kyle is going to be 1 in a couple of days. I can not believe it has already been a year. It has flown by so fast. He is such a sweet, energetic, smart, and beautiful boy. He keeps me very very busy but he is well worth it. He has definately been by far one of the greatest blessings in our lives as well as Lucas.
Both of your darling boys have been some of the biggest blessings in Papa and Gwandma's lives!!!!
Found your blog through your mom. What handsome boys you have!!!!
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